NOTE: AWE Gametypes can only be guaranteed to work on Stock maps
GAMETYPE | Abr. | Description |
Breakthrough | bt | Capture objectives as they show on the compass. |
Conquest TDM | cnq | Take ground by eliminating enemies team pushing back their spawn points. |
Capture the Flag Back | ctfb | Team Capture the flag that spawns in random spots on the map. |
Domination | dom | Objective is for team to own all of the control points on the map. |
Enhanced Capture the Flag | ectf | Capture the flag with additional configuration. |
Enhanced Headquaters | ehq | Headquaters (KOTH) with additional configuration. |
Enhances Search & Destroy | esd | Search & destroy with additional configuration. |
Hitman | hm | Team game. Assassin type game. |
Hold the flag | htf | Team game. Capture and keep hold of the flag to accrue points. |
Individual Hold the Flag | ihhtf | Non team game of Hold the Flag. |
Liberation | oitc | Objective to capture and jail all other team. Jailed team can be freed by team mates. |
Last Man Standing | lms | Eliminate all the other players. No respawning. |
Last Team Standing | lts | Eliminate all the other team. No respawning. |
Onslaught | ons | Capture flags in order of appearance on the compass and push the enemy to their camp. |
Retrieval | re | Collect the enemy radio and bring it home. |
V.I.P | vip | Kill the VIP of the other team while protecting yours |